Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Lobbyist Extinction

(A JAM C) As promised during his campaign, Barack Obama is right now planning his course of action when it comes to removing lobbyists from Capitol Hill.  In my opinion, this is a very good thing.  Lobbyists are like babies in many ways.  Babies and little children are the center of their own universe.  Nothing else in the world matters if they're not happy.  They must get their way.  It is the same with lobbyists.  Their seduction techniques are too strong for many Senators and Congressmen to bear.  If a bill is raised that affects them, and their companies, they will do anything to get their way, often times at the cost of the American people.  They're robbing and killing us so that their pockets can get a little deeper.  To not put matters lightly, I think they're evil.

Such evil actions were portrayed well in the documentary "Super-Size Me," where a man by the name of Morgan Spurlock ate nothing but McDonald's food for every meal for 30 days, and badly deteriorates his health.  In the movie, lobbyists are shown doing their dirty work.  It is rather sickening.

Barack Obama can't do everything to completely remove the presence of lobbyists from D.C., but anything is a step in the right direction.  Pray that an end is put to the corruption and greed in our nations capitol.

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