Sunday, November 9, 2008

Obama's First Plans of Action

(A JAM C) As he prepares over the next ten weeks to take the oval office, president-elect Obama has already indicated that he is going to make several changes immediately.  According to the Telegraph, a british newspaper, he plans on overturning hundreds of rules and regulations on stem cell research, birth control, and the environment that have been implemented by the Bush administration.

One area that Barack Obama has the potential to see a lot of positive change happen is in regards to the environment.  With a Democrat president, along with a Democratic control in the House and Senate, we have the opportunity to see several things happen in regards to reversing the rapid temperature increases that we're seeing all over the world.  One of Obama's first steps will be to give California the ability to put a limit to automobile carbon emissions.  The Bush administration rejected a request last year for California to have the authority to do so, and unfortunately, it could have been because of big-money influence from the automobile companies.  Personally, I think that this is an excellent step in the right direction.  One out of every ten people in the United States lives in California, and it seems to me that California plays a major role in influencing the rest of the states.  From a big picture perspective though, the world isn't getting any cleaner or cooler.

In the last century, the earth's temperature has increased by 1.5 degrees.1  The rate in climate change has increased over the past three decades, and we're now seeing an increase of .35 degrees per decade, meaning the earths temperature is increasing by one degree every 30 years.  It may not seem like much, but research has shown that if the temperature increases by 5 more degrees, then 60% of the planet's animals will have faced extinction.  Humans and roaches will surely find a way to survive, but entire ecosystems could be ready to face incredible danger, and the rest of the world could quickly face destruction after that.  As a believer in Jesus Christ, I believe that the world as we know it will surely face its end when He returns and conquers evil for eternity.  Until then, we must take care of the land that God has given us dominion over.

Please pray for Barack Obama and for the House and Senate to make major changes in the way we treat this planet.  Pray that America will be a world leader in this area as other countries in the world face major economic growth.  We may not feel the consequences today, and our children may not even feel the consequences, but our children's children will surely have to pay for our mistakes unless something is done now.

Another change that could have major implications is Obama's stance on stem cell research.  He plans on ending limits on stem cell research, which will free scientists up to do much more to find cures for many diseases that are prevalent today.  That part of it sounds great, but the part that conflicts with my beliefs is bright and clear.  Stem cell research largely involves killing human embryos.  As a person who believes that life begins at conception, this is very hard to hear.  Pray to our sovereign King that He would use His complete control over this situation so that babies would be spared death.

Finally, Obama is currently considering a lifting a ban that "prevents international family planning organizations that receive US government aid advising women about the possibility of abortion and in some cases, discouraging common contraceptive methods."  This doesn't seem to make much sense to me.  Unless I'm wrong, Barack Obama is considering the possibility of teaching women to get pregnant and then have an abortion instead of preventing that pregnancy.  Could that be possible?  I surely hope not, because that seems evil to me.  Whatever the case, please pray for the Lord to reveal to our next president the horrors that come with abortion.

It appears to me that throughout history, the Devil has constantly made it a focal point to attack the children of the world.  Pharaoh wanted every firstborn Israelite male killed during Moses' time.  Pagan countries surrounding the nation of Israel offered their children as a sacrifice to Molech.  Upon hearing of the birth of Jesus, Herod declared that every child under the age of two must be killed.  As a result of history and the atrocity of abortion today, many children throughout time have needlessly lost their lives.  Please pray for this to end.


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