Thursday, November 13, 2008

The "Missle Shield"

(A JAM C) The threat of a nuclear attack is always hovering over us like a cloud that just won't go away.  The level of concern isn't as high as it was during the Cold War days pre-1990, but the threat is still there.  Of course, we know that Jesus Christ will return to the earth one day and then the end will come, thus ruling out the possibility of the world coming to an end through nuclear war, but that doesn't mean we're immune from the threat of a nuclear bomb going off somewhere in this world during our lifetimes.

In fact, a "Letter From 2012" claims that a nuclear bomb will go off in the Middle East.  Of course, it isn't claiming to be an actual letter from 2012, but it is still sending out a warning about what life could be like after the first four years of Obama's presidency. (note: I do not claim to support any of the predictions in this letter)

Relevant magazine has a feature on the catastrophic effects on what would happen if a nuclear bomb went off in even a place that would be considered "not strategic," in their September issue.

In light of all of this, the threat of a nuclear war should remain in the front of president-elect Obama's mind, and it seems like that's the case.  Currently, he's considering what to do with the missle-defense shield project that has been promoted by President Bush.  Russian President Dmitry Medvedev is urging Obama to put an end to the project because of the fact that it puts his own country in danger.  That alone wouldn't be a huge deal to Obama, and the United States, but Russia is still a huge military threat, and they would have to do something in response, which would in turn raise our threat levels.

This is a sticky situation for Barack Obama, because if he continues with this missile defense plan, our threat level will increase.  If he discontinues it, our threat level will also increase.  It seems like a lose/lose situation for him, but there has to be a way for both parties to come out satisfied with their standing.

The problem with the missile defense shield isn't that it is going to happen, but rather where it is going to happen.  It would be set up in Europe, which is obviously much closer to Russia than the United States.

Pray that Obama has wisdom in dealing with this rough situation.

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